Thursday, November 13, 2008

on MY podcast

so my podcast is just alot of people talking in the background but you cant hear anything because there's too many people talking. A friend and i put it together for her artwork at Sydney Uni, The concept was a door with no handle or doorknob in a black room and the music player was behind the door so no one could see it. The door was aligned in the center. I thought the concept was pretty interesting. The moment you step in the room it feels like youve stepped into another place. It feels crowded, exciting, busy.

the reason why i put it on my blog is because thats what i think blogging is. A lot of people in one place (the internet) trying to voice out and talk. Thats why i thought this podcast was very suitable.

Not to mention this also explains what is a podcast better now :)

good dayyyyyyyyy

bloggers ethics

i think a lot of people really want to voice out about the war, considering how what we know is kinda fogged by the government and media but this is not to say that what they're showing and telling us isnt true. Anyhow people still have their opinions.
Bloggers Ethics
1) Honest and fair, 2) Minimize Harm, and to 3) Be Accountable.

nobody appreciates plagerizism accept for really the person themselves because they probably think they have a shot at getting away for it. I think its really jus anything you wouldnt right in a book or a newspaper. You have to reference at times, no plagarizing, give credit if you take credit. be truthful and no lies.

im getting all my info from this website. so if ur interested!! here

All the bloggers, even the best ones should reference and link. Even though they may only be people in the community they are having a bigger voice now because of the internet.


I must not have much of a life to be doing this at2:54am while knowing very well i have school at 9 tomorrow.

So i was reading a poem about soldiers and then i had a bit of a nostalgic moment. I have two friends in the American national guard and the Army.

When you think about it, most of those army recruiters talk up alot about joining the army and how great it is, it'll open up many things, you'll get to travel. All this jazz. But really it's nothing like that when you join. It's rough, painful, but eventually you get use to it because you've already adapted. So yea, that's the one type of people that do join the army, but only cause they were convinced. It's as though the army was like a product or something to sell... but i guess it is. It's such a small price to pay for slavery in a way. You wont even know if you life or die. how wonderful... ummm that was sarcasm.

Anyways, the other type of people that join the army. The type that don't know what to do. They don't want to go to uni or college or they just couldnt get in but didnt want to stay home all the time because their parents would yell at them to move out and get a job or do something decent with their lives. So they join the army. What kind of bad decision making is that? i have nothing better to do with my life, so you know... i'll put my life up for grabs in Iraq for about 10000 a year + health care all just because i've got nothing better to do....

....people talk about how they have to serve their country...for the good of their country...fight for the country...watever. The government, the big people up there are shipping people to practically die everyday...So much for "The People."

"Why do we kill people who kill people to show that killing people is wrong?"


ahh i just found this funny :)


podcast -_- what a boring boring topic... hmm nonetheless ive got to write this.

podcast- its pretty much an mp3 with not copyright, it's not like its a song with like copyright on it and a released date with a price tag attached to it. no sir it isn't.

its uploaded for the people by the people, Yes sir. People can subscribe to it, download it over and over again when new podcast come out.

its kinda like a series but you download it and its FREE! FREE FREE!. AS IF nobody's downloaded Hamish and Andy podcast before... or even Happy Tree Friends.
Yes Yes. That is a great ...brutal torture grossed out disgusting cartoon unsuitable for kids. But what the heck, we get a kick watching it. Of course unless you don't, than you know maybe i'm just weird again.
well thats the happy tree friends site, you can download it, check it out and all... but it might be a bit all too brutal for you :)

so yeaa

i think podcasts are ok. but sometimes people just create the dumbest podcasts that are pretty useless and they jus don't have anything better to do with their time.

War is beautiful...Is it not?

Before a scheduled radio broadcast, President Reagan unaware that the microphone was actually on, said "My fellow Americans. I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes."

Even if we're not physically at war, countries are still continuing to make nuclear weapons because they've got the idea that everybody's out to get them. or somebody at least.

It's kinda true though, every country makes allies and all those peace treaties or NATO or free trade or whatever but the truth is they'd turn on each other anyday and start bombing over assumptions...

what do politicians mean when they send out whatever propaganda they can to say support the war.

suppport the war??!?!?!? are you mad?!?!?!
what's it matter whether we support it or not?
if we don't support it doesnt it mean it wont happen...

They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq. Why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it's worked for over 200 years, and we're not using it anymore. - Jay Leno

In politics common sense doesn't make sense.