Thursday, November 13, 2008


podcast -_- what a boring boring topic... hmm nonetheless ive got to write this.

podcast- its pretty much an mp3 with not copyright, it's not like its a song with like copyright on it and a released date with a price tag attached to it. no sir it isn't.

its uploaded for the people by the people, Yes sir. People can subscribe to it, download it over and over again when new podcast come out.

its kinda like a series but you download it and its FREE! FREE FREE!. AS IF nobody's downloaded Hamish and Andy podcast before... or even Happy Tree Friends.
Yes Yes. That is a great ...brutal torture grossed out disgusting cartoon unsuitable for kids. But what the heck, we get a kick watching it. Of course unless you don't, than you know maybe i'm just weird again.
well thats the happy tree friends site, you can download it, check it out and all... but it might be a bit all too brutal for you :)

so yeaa

i think podcasts are ok. but sometimes people just create the dumbest podcasts that are pretty useless and they jus don't have anything better to do with their time.

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