Thursday, November 13, 2008

bloggers ethics

i think a lot of people really want to voice out about the war, considering how what we know is kinda fogged by the government and media but this is not to say that what they're showing and telling us isnt true. Anyhow people still have their opinions.
Bloggers Ethics
1) Honest and fair, 2) Minimize Harm, and to 3) Be Accountable.

nobody appreciates plagerizism accept for really the person themselves because they probably think they have a shot at getting away for it. I think its really jus anything you wouldnt right in a book or a newspaper. You have to reference at times, no plagarizing, give credit if you take credit. be truthful and no lies.

im getting all my info from this website. so if ur interested!! here

All the bloggers, even the best ones should reference and link. Even though they may only be people in the community they are having a bigger voice now because of the internet.

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